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Reliable Due Date Calculator

The Due Date Calculator estimates the delivery date of a pregnant woman based on her last menstrual period (LMP), ultrasound, conception date, or IVF transfer date.

Due Date Information

Estimated Due Date: February 16, 2025*

Current Week:

WeekDateImportant Milestones
Week 1May 12, 2024 - May 18, 2024
Week 2May 19, 2024 - May 25, 2024
Week 3May 26, 2024 - Jun 01, 2024Embryo forms and implants
Week 4Jun 02, 2024 - Jun 08, 2024
Week 5Jun 09, 2024 - Jun 15, 2024
Week 6Jun 16, 2024 - Jun 22, 2024Baby's heart begins to beat
Week 7Jun 23, 2024 - Jun 29, 2024
Week 8Jun 30, 2024 - Jul 06, 2024
Week 9Jul 07, 2024 - Jul 13, 2024
Week 10Jul 14, 2024 - Jul 20, 2024Baby can make tiny movements
Week 11Jul 21, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024
Week 12Jul 28, 2024 - Aug 03, 2024
Week 13Aug 04, 2024 - Aug 10, 2024
Week 14Aug 11, 2024 - Aug 17, 2024Baby can make facial expressions
Week 15Aug 18, 2024 - Aug 24, 2024
Week 16Aug 25, 2024 - Aug 31, 2024
Week 17Sep 01, 2024 - Sep 07, 2024
Week 18Sep 08, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024Baby can hear sounds
Week 19Sep 15, 2024 - Sep 21, 2024
Week 20Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024
Week 21Sep 29, 2024 - Oct 05, 2024
Week 22Oct 06, 2024 - Oct 12, 2024Baby develops a sleep cycle
Week 23Oct 13, 2024 - Oct 19, 2024
Week 24Oct 20, 2024 - Oct 26, 2024
Week 25Oct 27, 2024 - Nov 02, 2024
Week 26Nov 03, 2024 - Nov 09, 2024Baby's eyes begin to open
Week 27Nov 10, 2024 - Nov 16, 2024
Week 28Nov 17, 2024 - Nov 23, 2024
Week 29Nov 24, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024
Week 30Dec 01, 2024 - Dec 07, 2024Baby's brain is developing rapidly
Week 31Dec 08, 2024 - Dec 14, 2024
Week 32Dec 15, 2024 - Dec 21, 2024
Week 33Dec 22, 2024 - Dec 28, 2024
Week 34Dec 29, 2024 - Jan 04, 2025Baby's lungs are nearly mature
Week 35Jan 05, 2025 - Jan 11, 2025
Week 36Jan 12, 2025 - Jan 18, 2025
Week 37Jan 19, 2025 - Jan 25, 2025Baby is considered full term
Week 38Jan 26, 2025 - Feb 01, 2025
Week 39Feb 02, 2025 - Feb 08, 2025
Week 40Feb 09, 2025 - Feb 15, 2025Baby is ready for birth

How to Use the Due Date Calculator:

1. Choose your estimation method
Select from Last Period, Ultrasound, Conception Date, or IVF Transfer Date.
2. Enter the relevant date
Input the date based on your chosen estimation method.
3. For Last Period method, select your average cycle length
This helps in more accurate calculations if your cycle is not exactly 28 days.
4. Click the Calculate button
This will generate your estimated due date.
5. View your estimated due date
The calculator will display your estimated due date based on the information provided.

This calculator provides an estimate based on standard pregnancy durations. Always consult with your healthcare provider for the most accurate and personalized information.

* The information provided here is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for personalized advice.

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Table of Contents

Expecting a baby is an exciting journey, and one of the first questions many parents-to-be ask is, "When is my due date?" Our Due Date Calculator is designed to help you estimate this important date based on various factors, providing a foundation for your pregnancy planning and care.

What is a Due Date Calculator?

A Due Date Calculator is a tool that estimates the expected delivery date of a baby based on information such as the last menstrual period, conception date, or other relevant dates. It's important to remember that only about 5% of babies are born on their exact due date, but this estimate provides a helpful timeline for both parents and healthcare providers.

How to Use Our Due Date Calculator

  1. Select your estimation method (Last Period, Ultrasound, Conception Date, or IVF Transfer Date)
  2. Enter the relevant date
  3. For Last Period method, select your average cycle length
  4. Click 'Calculate'
  5. View your estimated due date

Estimation Methods Explained

Last Menstrual Period (LMP)Based on the first day of your last periodLMP + 280 days
UltrasoundBased on measurements from an early ultrasoundVaries based on measurements
Conception DateBased on the estimated date of conceptionConception Date + 266 days
IVF Transfer DateBased on the date of embryo transfer in IVFTransfer Date + 263 days (for 3-day embryos)

Pregnancy Milestones

Here's a brief overview of key pregnancy milestones:

4Positive pregnancy test possible
8All major organs have begun to form
12End of first trimester
20Halfway point, possible to determine baby's sex
24Beginning of third trimester
37Full-term pregnancy begins
40Estimated due date

How the Due Date Calculator Can Be Helpful

1. Planning for Prenatal Care

Knowing your estimated due date helps you and your healthcare provider schedule important prenatal appointments and tests at the right times. Here's a typical schedule:

Weeks of PregnancyRecommended Visits/Tests
8-12 weeksFirst prenatal visit, initial blood tests
11-13 weeksFirst trimester screening
18-22 weeksAnatomy ultrasound
24-28 weeksGestational diabetes screening
36 weeks onwardsWeekly check-ups

2. Tracking Fetal Development

Understanding your due date allows you to track your baby's development week by week. This can be both exciting and informative, helping you understand what's happening with your baby's growth at each stage.

3. Preparing for Maternity Leave

For working mothers, knowing your due date is crucial for planning maternity leave. It helps you inform your employer, plan your workload transition, and understand your maternity leave rights.

4. Baby Shopping and Nursery Preparation

Your due date gives you a timeline for setting up the nursery, purchasing essential baby items, and planning a baby shower.

5. Making Lifestyle Adjustments

Knowing how far along you are helps you make appropriate lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your diet and exercise routine, avoiding harmful substances, and planning for prenatal classes.

6. Managing Health Risks

Your due date helps healthcare providers assess and manage potential health risks, identify pregnancies at risk of preterm labor, and plan for safe delivery in high-risk pregnancies.

7. Emotional and Mental Preparation

Having a timeline helps you and your partner mentally prepare for the arrival of your baby, process the changes in your life, and plan for postpartum support.

8. Travel Planning

Your due date is crucial for making safe travel plans, knowing when it's safe to travel during pregnancy, and ensuring you're close to home as you approach your due date.

9. Financial Planning

Due date calculator image

An estimated due date helps with financial preparation, including budgeting for baby expenses and planning for changes in income during maternity/paternity leave.

10. Monitoring Pregnancy Length

Your due date helps in assessing whether your pregnancy is progressing normally, identifying post-term pregnancies, and recognizing preterm labor signs.

11. Birth Plan Preparation

Knowing your due date allows you to create and discuss your birth plan with your healthcare provider in a timely manner, including choosing your birthing location and discussing pain management options.

12. Bonding with Your Baby

Having a timeline can enhance the bonding experience, allowing you to engage in activities like talking to your baby or playing music at appropriate developmental stages.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: How accurate is the Due Date Calculator?

A: While our calculator provides a good estimate, only about 5% of babies are born on their exact due date. Most babies are born within two weeks before or after this date.

Q2: Why does the calculator ask for the first day of my last period instead of the conception date?

A: The last menstrual period (LMP) is used because it's usually easier to remember and track than the exact date of conception. Most pregnancies last about 280 days from the first day of the LMP.

Q3: What if I have irregular periods?

A: If you have irregular periods, the LMP method may not be as accurate. In this case, an early ultrasound can provide a more precise estimate of your due date.

Q4: How is the due date calculated for IVF pregnancies?

A: For IVF pregnancies, the due date is usually calculated based on the age of the embryo and the date of transfer. Our calculator assumes a 3-day embryo transfer, but you should consult with your fertility specialist for the most accurate estimate.

Q5: Can the due date change during pregnancy?

A: Yes, your due date may be adjusted based on ultrasound measurements, especially in the first trimester when these measurements are most accurate for dating a pregnancy.

Q6: What's the difference between gestational age and fetal age?

A: Gestational age is measured from the first day of your last menstrual period and is typically what's used to date a pregnancy. Fetal age is the actual age of the fetus from conception, usually about two weeks less than gestational age.

Q7: How does cycle length affect the due date calculation?

A: If your average cycle is longer or shorter than 28 days, it can affect when you ovulate and therefore when conception likely occurred. Our calculator adjusts for this when you use the LMP method and input your average cycle length.

Due date calculator usage image


While our Due Date Calculator provides a helpful estimate, it's important to remember that every pregnancy is unique. Regular prenatal check-ups with your healthcare provider are crucial for monitoring your pregnancy's progress and adjusting estimates as needed. Use this calculator as a starting point for planning and preparing for your baby's arrival, but always rely on your healthcare provider for personalized medical advice.

Remember, whether your baby arrives on their estimated due date or not, the most important thing is a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Enjoy this special time as you prepare for your new arrival!